
Nemo Equipment - The Team

Oct 30, 2018

What makes the magic happen?

The passion all starts with our small team of adventurers, inventors, surfers, contrarians, and jokesters. That’s NEMO in a nutshell — a small band of people who decided against a conventional job to work toward a mission to bring the best gear to adventurers around the world. And we do it together, each step of the way. Meet the team.

Cam Brensinger

CEO & Founder, Chief Visionary, Chief Woodworker, Chief Ice Climber, Chief Product Designer.

Brent Merriam

Chief Operating Officer, World Traveler, Longboarder, and Badass Biker.

Bill Kramer

Visual Design Director, Wildlife Photographer and Painter, and Modern-Day Renaissance Man.

Brittany Bendel

Test Engineer. Lover of Cave Exploring and Climbing. Has Been Known to Eat Over a Kilo of Carrots in One Clip.

Caryl Brensinger

Beloved “Mom” of NEMO (and Cam), Executive Assistant, Fearless Race Car Driver, and a Force to be Reckoned With.

Emily Balch

Key Accounts Manager, Fancy Bread Baker, Artist, Mountain Goat, and Exceptionally Slow Knitter.

Gabi Rosenbrien

Product Development Manager, Unicyclist and Acapella singer.


The Lovable Office Puppy, Terror to Tent Fabric, Lover of Deep Snow.

(Sage’s Human: Jessica)

Jessica Merrill

Director of Sales Operations, Master Juggler of an Over-Scheduled Life.Devoted Mom and Lover of Lake Life,“Let’s Wander Where the Wifi is Weak,”

Kaitlyn Ferguson

Bookkeeper, Fitness & Food Lover, Numbers Nerd, and Road Tripping Adventurer.

Kendall Wallace

Customer Service Manager, Climber, Bike Commuter, and the Bill Nye of Outdoor Knowledge.

Lauren de Wet

Digital Director, Cold-Water Scuba Diver, Safari Enthusiast, and Amateur Guacamole Connoisseur.

Copper & Max

Rescued Brothers, Loving Life (with lots of hikes) in New Hampshire.

(Copper & Max’s Human: Lauren)

Lorcan Lafleur

Chief Financial Officer, Tennis Player, Proud KISS Fan, and the Nicest Guy You’ll Ever Meet.

Mike Welch

VP of Sales, Dad, Skier, Boater, and Kiteboarder.

Ollie Fisher

Sales Dude, The Funniest Guy You Know, Hank’s Dad, and Soccer Star.

Pat McCluskey

Director of Engineering, Mostly Likely Found on Dangerous Adventures. Hopefully Found.

Randy Gaetano

Creative Content Director, Writer, Artist, Bowhunter, Surfer, and Lover of All Things Wild and Beautiful.

Sam Strong

Graphics Director +Creative Services Manager, Skier, Lemon Tree Grower Killer, Bringer of Beauty to the World.


Don’t Let That Smile Fool You. Skateboarder’s Beware.

(beetle’s Human: sam strong)

Spar Patton

Product Development Engineer, Learned to Skate Before He Could Walk, Will Ride His Bike 15 Miles for a Cold Beer.

Theresa Conn

Supply Chain and Sustainability Manager, Fiddler, Trail Explorer & Peak Bagger.

Sam Rokos

Warranty and Repair Specialist, Cross Country Skier, Aspiring Triathlete, Champion Crock-potter.

Travis Gagliano

Customer Service Pro, Former Flatlander, New England Transplant, Lover of Trails and Gear.

Zack Kamen

Lead Furniture Designer, Lead Astronomer, Lead Obsessor Over Small Details.


The Friendliest Barker You’ve Ever Met.

(Crosby’s Human: Zack)
