About Us

'BasecampGear' is a subsidiary venture to Ultralight Outdoor Gear. Ultralight Outdoor Gear Ltd was set up in May 2006 by Mark Richardson, specifically to bring together the very best in lightweight gear in one place so that true enthusiasts didn't have to sift through more generalist websites where lightweight gear is still hard to find, and when you do find it there's precious little product information from which to make your purchasing decisions. We have applied the same principles to BasecampGear, aiming to provide the best quality information and advice on the products that we sell and the outdoor pursuits that we cover.
We 'created' BasecampGear more than ten years after we created Ultralight Outdoor Gear, we did it because we kept seeing great kit that wasn't 'ultralight', especially camping gear that was built for comfort rather than light weight, the kind of stuff you wouldn't mind carrying for a day or so into the wilderness then parking it for a couple of weeks while you got on with some sporty pursuit.
We've recently rounded the BasecampGear offering adding a 'shop by activity' feature that will help Trail Runners and Bikepackers find what they want, we'll be adding an Expedition range and catering for other sports over the next few years. We've also extended the range to make it more comprehensive, more of a one-stop shop for the kind of high quality gear we sell.
There's still a way to go but we like that we're building a shop that people want to visit because they'll find well-designed and unusual gear among some quality staples. Gear less ordinary for the road less traveled!